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Meet The Team

Berta Kaguako is a Health and Social Care Consultant, with an Undergraduate in Psychotherapy and Masters in Psychoanalysis. Berta’s background is in Mental Health, Substance Misuse and Children & Families: in both a therapeutic and senior management capacity, having won 3x Blooming Strong Awards (Recognition from UN for contribution to violence against Women).

Berta is also a patient using cannabis based medical products (CBMPs), to manage her complex health needs and advocates for CBMPs as a viable symptom reliever medication for unmet clinical health needs or as an alternative to conventional pharmacological medicines.


Berta started her career/training as a Children’s Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, before moving onto adult integrative Psychotherapy and then Substance Misuse. She then went onto senior management, where she was the Westminster Borough Manager for a Substance Misuse service, within the charity sector. Berta later went onto managing a family assessment center, assessing parenting capacity for family proceedings, before venturing off into consultancy within the same sector. Berta’s most recent professional experience is within the medical cannabis sector, where she was a CQC Registered Manager and now consults within the medical cannabis sector and co-founded EthVida, a patient educational platform.


Interest include: Trauma & Abuse, Safeguarding, Children and Families, Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Cannabis Based Medical Products, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Care, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Women's Health, Ethnic Representation in Healthcare, Wellbeing, Self-Help, Sociology, Physics and many more....

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